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WELCOME BACK! It's been updated and you will want to come back here and use this to study all week!
Furry Friends Flier Online
Greetings Furry Friends and Furry Folks!
* May 9th we are planning a Trip to the movies to see Disney's Nature Penguins! We will NOT need chaperones and unfortunately the AMC is only doing a private showing for students and staff, BUT we know that it won't be raining in the THEATER! The teachers will also plan a picnic lunch with the kids, some extra recess fun, and an afternoon of animal exploration! It will be a fun day of LEARNING!
*A yearly tradition in my room is to make TIE DYE TEESHIRTS for the end of the year Dodgeball Tournament and Camp Week. I always ask parents to send in a WHITE 100% COTTEN TEE SHIRT for your child. Cotton is so important for this project because it will hold the dye so much better than Polyester Blends. You can start sending those tee shirts in ASAP! We will wait until the beginning of May to do our projects! SO EXCITED!!
* DONATE YOUR PENNIES, SILVERS, and DOLLARS!!! THE COMPETITION HAS STARTED! We have a big jar in our room that would love to fill up! Penny Pitch is around the corner and our class REALLY wants to be in the top TWO of the 2nd grade classes for the END OF THE YEAR FIRETRUCK SPLASH DOWN!
Mr. Smith
1. Dad is planning a trip that’s fun and he said it won’t cost too much!
2. Didn’t you watch Josh when he tried to give the heaviest dog a bath? Q
3. Put away the lightest toys behind the door. C Students will need to be able to identify the type of sentences…S-Statements, Q-Questions, E-Exclamations, C-Commands. Students will need to remember that ALL sentences start with a capital letter and end with punctuation.
Have your child write the sentences with the marking during your study times…
NOUNS will need to be circled in BLUE. I will highlight them in blue here on the site. VERBS will need to be circled in ORANGE. I will highlight them in orange on the site.
ADJECTIVES will need to be circled in RED. I will highlight them in red on the site.
ADVERBS will need to be circled in GREEN. I will highlight them in green on the site.
PRONOUNS will need go be circled in LIGHT BLUE. I will highlight them in light blue on the site.
I will be taking a Spelling Grade and and Grammar Grade from the Dictation Test on Friday.
Spelling and Word Wall
Spelling Words 1. tried 7. skipped 2. trying 8. skipping 3. planned 9. heavier 4. planning10. heaviest 5. liked 11. lighter 6. liking 12. lightest
because promise
Seems to be the perfect time of year to be reading about baseball again. With Little League practices and games every night, it seems our story Just Like Josh Gibson is sure to be a grand slam. The narrator remembers stories her grandmama used to tell about the days when SHE played baseball. Can a girl really hit a baseball just like Josh Gibson?
Our phonic skill this week is inflected endings. We will be working on changing the endings of our spelling words to show when they happened (-ed and –ing) or comparing words (-er and –est).
High Frequency and Vocabulary
threw- sent something through the air by force with your arm
bases-places that are stations or goals in certain games such as baseball
field-a piece of land that is used for some purpose
sailed- to move smoothly like a ship with sails
plate-a hard rubber slab that baseball players stand beside to bat
cheers- happy or encouraging shouts
ATTENTION: for the remainder of the year; our vocab and HFWords will be the same list...so it is VERY important that students know how to use the vocabulary words in sentences.
Specials Schedule
***NEW*** Monday 9:55-10:35 P.E. **
Tuesday 9:55-10:35 Technology
Wednesday 10:10-10:50 Library Thursday 9:55-10:35 Music
Friday 9:55-10:35 Art
** Please remember that gym shoes are to be worn on PE days. Flip flops are not allowed on the playground or during PE. Students who wear flip flops to school must have appropriate shoes to wear outside or they will not be allowed to participate in recess. Sandals with a strap may be worn on the playground.
In the event of a 2hr. Delay, our schedule for Specials will be from 11:40-12:10.
P.S. When you place your order online, you'll help earn FREE Books for our class and you also get a $5 FREE Book Pick Coupon to use on your next online order!
I recently tried an idea a coworker of mine was doing so that each child could get a FREE book each month for the entire school year! I was so very humbled by the response! SO EACH CHILD WILL RECIEVE A NEW BOOK EACH MONTH...AND ON FOR THEIR BIRTHDAY! This month's FREE BOOK is: I will highlight this month's free book here so if you choose to order books...you don't get a double copy! |