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Welcome to my Page!
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Welcome to kindergarten! I hope everyone had a great summer. I am very excited about this school year and looking forward to meeting you and your child! This web page will be changed each month and will provide you with information about our classroom events, concepts to be taught, birthdays, projects, and other helpful information!  I will also send home a hard copy along with a calendar each month as well. Always check your child's folder for notes and information.
August is a month of acclimation for your child.  We will be learning the rules and routine of the classroom and school.
1st nine weeks specials schedule
Wednesday...........library ( books due)
Thursday.........gym  (tennis shoes)
Curriculum /themes

*Review preschool skills

*school rules and classroom routine

*Chicka chicka boom boom....... kindergarten is all about letters and their sounds in Mrs. Kirk's classroom!

*learning to write the letters in our names correctly and on the lines.

August Books
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Mrs. Mindi Kirk
Teacher Room Number
Room I
Teacher Phone Number

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Created: Jul 2, 2012
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Updated: Aug 18, 2015
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Viewed 4770 times

Western School Corporation Mission Statement:
To educate and inspire today's students for tomorrow's opportunities.
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Copyright 2025, Western School Corporation 
2600 S. 600 W. Russiaville, IN
P: 765-883-5528   F:  765-883-1439